Learning Japanese with Manga(Beginner Level)-HISASHIBURIToday’s expression is ひさしぶり(HISASHIBURI). It literally means ‘Long time no see’, we can make more different variations -BURI, you can say…Dec 3, 2020Dec 3, 2020
Learning Japanese with Manga(Beginner Level)-SHUUICHIToday’s expression is しゅういち(SHUUICHI). It literally means ‘once in a week’, we can make more different variations about how to say how…Nov 13, 2020Nov 13, 2020
Learning Japanese with Manga(Beginner Level)-HITORIToday’s expression is ひとり(HITORI). It literally means ‘one person’, but there are many ways to use the expression! Let us show you some…Oct 26, 20201Oct 26, 20201
Learning Japanese with Manga(Beginner Level)-HAYAKUToday’s expression is はやく(HAYAKU). You might already know some adjectives in Japanese including はやい(HAYAI)(early/ fast). It is easy to…Oct 16, 2020Oct 16, 2020
Learning Japanese with Manga(Beginner Level)-DEMOToday’s expression is でも(DEMO). You might know ‘demo’ meaning ‘but’ at the beginning of a sentence. But today’s DEMO is used with a…Sep 16, 2020Sep 16, 2020
Learning Japanese with Manga(Beginner Level)-ITSUDEMOToday’s expression is いつでも(ITSUDEMO). ITSU means ‘when’ but ITSUDEMO means ‘anytime’. This rule applies to any other question words and it…Sep 9, 20201Sep 9, 20201
Learning Japanese with Manga(Beginner Level)-DOKOKAToday’s expression is どこか(DOKOKA). DOKO means ‘where’ but DOKOKA means ‘somewhere’. This rule applies to any other question words and it…Aug 31, 20201Aug 31, 20201
Learning Japanese with Manga(Beginner Level)-TOKIDOKIToday’s expression is ときどき(TOKIDOKI). TOKIDOKI means ‘sometimes’, from my teaching experience, TOKIDOKI is the most popular Japanese word…Aug 25, 2020Aug 25, 2020
Learning Japanese with Manga(Beginner Level)-JANAIToday’s expression is じゃない(JANAI). You might think Janai always has negative meanings? It is sometimes used to ask for agreement or to…Aug 13, 2020Aug 13, 2020
Learning Japanese with Manga(Beginner Level)-SUGIRUToday’s expression is (SUGIRU). It literally means ‘too much’, and you can use it when something is too much or when you do something too…Aug 5, 2020Aug 5, 2020